* Easter 2025 *
coming to serve
Christian Churches
in Marion County, Florida!
Turn Back to God
The book of Zechariah begins with a challenge for God's people to turn back to Him, unlike their ancestors who rebelled, disobeyed and were exiled.
Eight Dream Visions
God spoke to His people through dream visions with bizarre images. The message included details about the New Jerusalem and a warning to remain faithful.
Grieving Exiles
Grieving exiles wondered if they could stop mourning the temple's destruction. Zechariah asked if they were ready to receive and participate in God's coming kingdom.
Messianic Kingdom
Through images of a Messianic king riding into the New Jerusalem and a rejected shepherd, Zechariah asks if the Israelites would reject their king forever.
The New Jerusalem
One day, the New Jerusalem will be established where God's justice would defeat evil, His people would repent and all nations would gather in peace.
Topic narrative forthcoming not later than Easter 2023.
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