* Easter 2025 *
coming to serve
Christian Churches
in Marion County, Florida!
God's Justice
The book of Nahum opens with God's words from Exodus 34. God is slow to anger and great in power, but He must punish evil.
People of Sin vs. Faith
Referencing Isaiah, Nahum reminds the people that when God brings down the arrogant empires He will provide refuge for those who humble themselves before Him.
The Fall of Nineveh
Babylonian soldiers and chariots will attack Nineveh. Chaos reigns as the soldiers breach the city walls, slaughter the people and plunder and destroy the city.
Assyria's Downfall
Nineveh's downfall causes the Assyrian empire to fall. While injustice built the system that made Assyria successful, its violence will also bring about its destruction.
Assyrian King Taunted
Stricken with a fatal wound, the perpetually cruel king of Assyria is taunted and his death is celebrated by the people whom he once oppressed.
Topic narrative forthcoming not later than Easter 2023.
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