* Easter 2025 *
coming to serve
Christian Churches
in Marion County, Florida!
The above presentation was recorded at Door Creek Church in Madison, Wisconsin on March 18, 2017, about five years after the podcasts below were created.
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Linked herein is an invigorating three episode podcast series titled, "Making of the Bible," with Dr. Tim Mackie, who later became a co-founder of BibleProject (a). In addition to the podcast links, Dr. Mackie also offers transcripts from each podcast as well as a PDF Study Guide.
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In his first podcast, Dr. Mackie covers the making of the books of the Old Testament (1), and how much we know from the Bible (2) itself about how it came into existence.
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In the second podcast, Dr. Mackie covers how the books of the New Testament (3) were written and collected.
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The third and final series podcast covers the manuscript of the New Testament, which differs vastly from the that of the Old Testament. The latter portion of the episode offers a discussion about the process and dynamics at work in the collecting of the books of the Bible into what is referred to as "The Canon."
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BibleProject links offered herein have been published with permission (b) and no monetary gain whatsoever is being sought. Any footnotes within the narrative have been inserted by The Marion County Manna Project and re-direct to our webpages (unless otherwise noted) for additional spiritual insight and reflection.
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If you're seeking additional information about Christianity (4) on a more personal level, consider visiting a Christian Church here in Marion County (5). Introduce yourself to members and ask to speak with someone to learn more about Jesus. Surrendering your life to Christ (6) (c) is the most rewarding and everlasting decision you'll ever make, and it's comforting to have someone guide you as you begin your new life as a child of the Most High! May God shower you with great favor in this endeavor!
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Footnotes, Page Credits and External Resources appear below. Consider printing and sharing the offered PDF narrative and other listed resources with family, friends and strangers alike for use in Bible Studies (7), Home/Church Faith Sharing Groups (8), Discipleship Encounters (9) and/or Personal Faith Enrichment!
Comments are welcome at [email protected].
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(1) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/old-testament
(2) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-good-news
(3) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/new-testament
(4) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/Christianity
(5) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/listing-by-city
(6) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-gracious-visitor
(7) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/bible-studies
(8) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/prayer-groups
(9) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/discipleship
(a) BibleProject, accessed January 17, 2020, https://www.thebibleproject.com/
(b) Terms of Use, The Bible Project, accessed January 17, 2020, https://www.thebibleproject.com/terms/
(c) How Do I Convert to Christianity?, Got Questions Ministries, accessed January 12, 2020 https://www.gotquestions.org/convert-to-Christianity.html