* Easter 2025 *
coming to serve
Christian Churches
in Marion County, Florida!
Misplaced Priorities
The book of Haggai reminds the exiled rebuilders of Jerusalem to give God their primary allegiance and not rebel against the covenant like their ancestors.
Shattered Expectations
The people felt discouraged because their temple looked unimpressive, but Haggai reminded them to keep working and hope in God's promise of a New Jerusalem.
New Covenant Call
Like ritual purity in Leviticus, the current Jerusalem inhabitants must humble themselves and reject injustice and apathy or their building efforts would be impure too.
Remain Faithful
Haggai challenged the exiled generation as Moses challenged the wilderness generation. They could choose their future. Obedience and covenant faithfulness brought success and God's blessing.
Hope in God's Kingdom
God will fulfill His promise to establish a New Jerusalem, the center of His international kingdom, and He will defeat evil from among the nations.
Topic narrative forthcoming not later than Easter 2023.
For more info, please contact us at [email protected].
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