* Easter 2025 *
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ESV Deuteronomy |
KJV Deuteronomy |
NABRE Deuteronomy |
NASB Deuteronomy |
NIV Deuteronomy |
NKJV Deuteronomy |
NLT Deuteronomy |
OT/NT (a): Old Testament (1)
SECTION (a): The Law (2)
PLACEMENT (a): Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Holy Bible (3), the fifth book of the Old Testament and the fifth of five books of the Law.
TRADITIONAL AUTHOR (a): Deuteronomy 1:1 tells us that Moses (4) was the author. As his death is recorded in the last chapter, there are additional (unknown) author(s).
TIMELINE: The book of Deuteronomy covers events taking place in 1406 BC (5). These sermons were given to the Twelve Tribes of Israel (6) during the 40-day (7) period prior to Israel’s entering the Promised Land (8). The first sermon was delivered on the 1st day of the 11th month (1:3), and the Israelites crossed the Jordan River (9) 70 days later, on the 10th day of the 1st month (Joshua 4:19). Subtract 30 days of mourning after Moses’ death (Deuteronomy 34:8), and we’re left with 40 days. The year was 1406 BC. See our Bible Timeline (10) for more info.
KEY FIGURES: Joshua (11) and Moses.
SUMMARY (b): With the exception of Joshua and Caleb (12), all the Israelites who had fled Egypt (13) during the Exodus (14) are now dead. As a new, younger generation is about to take the land of Milk and Honey, God (15) knows, in advance, that they will be met with resistance from the occupying nations - the Canaanites (16), Hittites (17), Amorites (18), Perizzites (19), Hivites (20) and Jebusites (21) (Exodus 3:8).
Like their stiff necked ancestors who witnessed all of God's miracles such as the Red Sea (22) parting and the delivery of the Ten Commandments (23) at Mount Sinai (24) but still sinned mightily against God, these young, untested Israelites are certain to be exposed to doubt and fear when carrying out His commands in taking the land. Accordingly, it is imperative that they be reminded of God's majesty, authority and power before they step off.
The Israelites are commanded to remember four things: God’s faithfulness (25), God’s holiness (26), God’s blessings, and God’s warnings. The first three chapters recap the trip from Egypt to their current location, Moab (27). Chapter 4 is a call to obedience (28), to be faithful to the God Who was faithful to them.
Chapters 5 through 26 are a repetition of the Law. The Ten Commandments, the laws concerning sacrifices and specials days, and the rest of the Law are given to the new generation. Blessings are promised to those who obey (Deuteronomy 5:29, 6:17-19, 11:13-15), and famine is promised to those who do not obey (Deuteronomy 11:16-17).
The theme of blessing and cursing is continued in chapters 27-30. This portion of the book ends with a clear choice set before Israel: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing.” God’s desire for His people is found in what He recommends: “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
In the final chapters, Moses encourages the people; commissions his replacement, Joshua; records a song; and gives a final blessing to each of the tribes of Israel. Chapter 34 relates the circumstances of Moses’ death. He climbed Mount Nebo (29), where the Lord showed him the Promised Land that he could not enter. At 120 years old, but still with good eyesight and the strength of youth, Moses died in the presence of the Lord. The book of Deuteronomy ends with a short obituary on this great prophet.
APPLYING DEUTERONOMY TO MY LIFE (b): The book of Deuteronomy underscores the importance of God's Word (30). It is a vital part of our everyday lives. Although we are no longer under the Old Testament Law, we are still responsible to submit to the will of God in our lives. Simple obedience brings blessing, and sin has its own consequences.
None of us is “above the law.” Even Moses, the leader and prophet chosen by God, was required to obey. The reason that he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land was that he disobeyed the Lord’s clear command (Numbers 20:13).
During the time of His testing in the wilderness, Jesus quoted from the book of Deuteronomy three times (Matthew 4). In so doing, Jesus illustrated for us the necessity of hiding God’s Word in our hearts that we might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).
As Israel remembered God’s faithfulness, so should we. The crossing of the Red Sea, the holy presence at Sinai, and the blessing of manna in the desert should be an encouragement to us as well. A great way to keep going forward is to take some time to look back and see what God has done.
We also have a beautiful picture in Deuteronomy of a loving God Who desires a relationship with His children. The Lord names love as the reason that He brought Israel out of Egypt “with a mighty hand” and redeemed them (Deuteronomy 7:7-9). What a wonderful thing to be free from the bondage of sin and loved by an all-powerful God!
CHAPTER SUMMARIES: Explore (31) chapter by chapter summaries!
COMING UP: Next up are the Books of History (32)!
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All Bible verse references linked herein are courtesy of Bible Gateway (a). The narrative (b) offered herein has been published with permission (c) and no monetary gain is being sought. Any footnotes within the narrative have been inserted by The Marion County Manna Project and re-direct to our webpages (unless otherwise noted) for additional spiritual insight and discernment.
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The Invitation: If you're seeking additional info about Christianity on a more personal level, consider visiting a Christian Church here in Marion County (33). Introduce yourself to members and ask to speak with someone to learn more about Jesus. Surrendering your life to Christ (34) (e) is the most rewarding, everlasting decision you'll ever make, and it's comforting to have someone guide you as you begin your new life as a child of the Most High! May God shower you with great favor in this endeavor!
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Footnotes, Page Credits and External Resources appear below. Consider printing and sharing the offered PDF narrative and other listed resources with family, friends and strangers alike for use in Bible Studies (35), Home/Church Faith Sharing Groups (36), Discipleship Encounters (37) and/or Personal Faith Enrichment!
Modifications are welcome at [email protected].
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(1) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/old-testament
(2) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-law
(3) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-good-news
(4) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/Moses
(5) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/1500-bc
(6) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/twelve-tribes-of-israel
(7) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/40-in-the-bible
(8) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/promised-land
(9) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/jordan
(10) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/bible-timeline
(11) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/joshua-son-of-nun
(12) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/caleb
(13) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/egypt
(14) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/exodus-from-egypt
(15) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/god-of-the-bible
(16) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/canaanites
(17) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/hittites
(18) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/amorites
(19) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/perizzites
(20) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/hivites
(21) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/jebusites
(22) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/red-sea
(23) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/ten-commandments
(24) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/mount-sinai
(25) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/faith-in-god
(26) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/holiness
(27) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/moab
(28) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/obedience
(29) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/mount-nebo
(30) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-word-of-the-lord
(31) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/deuteronomy-1-34-chapter-summaries
(32) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/historical-books
(33) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/listing-by-city
(34) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-gracious-visitor
(35) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/bible-studies
(36) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/christian-education
(37) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/discipleship
(a) Bible Gateway, New International Version (NIV) Bible, accessed September 18, 2020, https://www.biblegateway.com/
(b) Summary of the Book of Deuteronomy, Got Questions Ministries, accessed January 30, 2021, https://www.gotquestions.org/Book-of-Deuteronomy.html
(c) Copyright Policy, Got Questions Ministries, accessed January 11, 2020,
(d) Videos, Milestones, Blogs & Poster, BibleProject, accessed September 29, 2020, https://www.bibleproject.com/terms/#use
(e) How Do I Convert to Christianity?, Got Questions Ministries, accessed January 12, 2020, https://www.gotquestions.org/convert-to-Christianity.html
Books of History | Book of Numbers |
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