* Easter 2025 *
coming to serve
Christian Churches
in Marion County, Florida!
Timothy's Commission
Paul commissions Timothy to confront corrupt leaders and strange teachings. True Christian teaching is faithful to Jesus and results in genuine faith and loving actions.
Pray for Leaders
During regular prayers gatherings, the Church should pray for governing leaders and peace so they can continue spreading the good news to the whole world.
Leadership Crisis
Paul addresses false teachers, including women, and instructs Timothy to appoint elders and deacons with character and integrity who will lead God's family the Church.
Bad Religion
1 Timothy gives instructions about addressing bad theological teaching that corrupts widow care, allows older intemperate men and Christian slave rebellion and promotes wealthy selfishness.
Family Transformed
While some Christian slaves demanded equality with their Christian masters, Paul exhorts a strategic household transformation that persuades others to join God's family and Church.
Topic narrative forthcoming not later than Easter 2023.
For more info, please contact us at [email protected].